Upland Outlaws
Labrador Retrievers
References 2

Cassie, our first dog from you has provided many great years of hunting and companionship but as you know has started to slow down.  We felt it was an obvious choice to come back for the next generation.  Josie, our latest addition is developing into a good hunter as well.  I’ve included some pictures from one of our training sessions, as you can see her intensity and drive are pretty evident. 

Thanks again for a couple of great dogs.

Randy & Kathryn Kunert

Josie @ Pond

Josie jumping in pond

Bubba joined our family as not only a hunting companion, but a family dog who lives in the house. He immediately melted into the family fabric and socialized well with our 12 year old male Lab Tucker.

Even as a puppy Bubba was very even tempered and calm in the house and around the neighborhood.  However, when it comes time to train and perform in the field Bubba amps it up quite a few notches!

Bubba has a desire to please second to none. I don’t think it’s taken more than 7 days, working 30 minutes each day, for Bubba to pick up any task. He has a great nose and never gives up on a retrieve.  He is constantly bringing me a dummy, ball, any thing he can pick up in his mouth for me to throw so he can retrieve it. 

I would have to say the only handicap I have found with Bubba is that he has me as a trainer!  The natural instinct, intelligence, and desire Bubba possesses makes training a great deal easier.  Bubba certainly has more potential to be a great hunting dog than I do skills as a trainer to get him there. 

Bob Moler

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